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    Friday, February 26, 2016

    A Brief Explanation of Apple’s Showdown With the U.S. Government

    Peter Brockmann demonstrating outside an Apple store in Boston. Apple claims that complying with an order by a federal judge to help the F.B.I. unlock an iPhone would create a security risk for all iPhone customers.

    The F.B.I. wants Apple to help unlock an encrypted iPhone used by one of the two attackers who killed 14 people in the San Bernardino, Calif., mass shooting in December.
    Specifically, the bureau wants Apple to create software that would help it override a security system on the phone designed to erase its contents after 10 unsuccessful tries to enter its password.
    Apple is resisting for several reasons. First, it argues that the government is trying to force it to create software that does not exist. What is more, the company says writing that software would amount to hacking its own technology.
    Apple claims this would create a security risk for all iPhone customers, especially because other government agencies in the United States and abroad could then demand Apple’s assistance in other cases. In a court filing, Apple disclosed that there were nine other cases in which the Justice Department has asked for its help unlocking phones.
    The F.B.I., for its part, says that Apple is overstating the issue, since the bureau is asking for the company’s help breaking into only one phone, not phones all over the world.
    The technology industry and the government have been wrangling for years over the growing use of encryption in communication tools that make it much harder for law enforcement and spy agencies to gather information in investigations.
    That fight took on new urgency in 2013 after documents leaked by the former government contractor Edward J. Snowden revealed extensive government spying on Internet traffic.
    What’s the latest?
    On Feb. 16, a federal judge issued an order compelling Apple to assist the F.B.I. and gave the company until Feb. 26 to respond.
    Apple’s chief executive, Timothy D. Cookwrote a letter to customerswarning of the “chilling” breach of privacy sought by the government and vowed to appeal. The F.B.I. shot back, calling Apple’s position a “marketing strategy.”
    On Thursday, Apple filed a formal response to the court order, asking the judge to vacate it. The company said that the order violated its First Amendment and Fifth Amendment rights and exceeded the powers granted to the government in the All Writs Act, the 1789 law that the court had used to compel Apple’s assistance.
    Apple argues that software code can be treated as speech under the First Amendment, and that the court order violated due process because it deprives the company of its right to be free from “arbitrary deprivation” of its liberty by government.
    What happens now?
    The court will consider Apple’s request. FacebookMicrosoftTwitter and Google plan to file one or more briefs next week supporting Apple’s position.
    Both the F.B.I. and Apple say they want Congress to weigh in. On Tuesday, the House Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing on encryption issues. The F.B.I. director, James B. Comey Jr., and Apple’s top lawyer are among those scheduled to testify.

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