Lionel Messi has said he is to retire from international football after Argentina were beaten 4-2 by Chile on penalties in the final of the Copa America on Sunday."It's tough, it's not the time for analysis," he was quoted as saying on the Argentine national team's Twitter feed."In the dressing room I thoughtthat the national team was over, it's not for me.""It's been four finals, it's not meant for me. I tried. It was thething I wanted the most, but I couldn't get it, so I think it's over."The 29-year-old retires having scored 55 goals in 113 appearances for Argentina. Heset a new record at the Copa America by surpassing Gabriel Batistuta's 54 goals.Messi missed a penalty in the shoot-out as Chile won back-to-back Copa Americas. He will not be the only player to quit ArgentinaMessi's apparent last act in international football was to blast his penalty over the bar as Chile won the Copa America for the second successive year following a 4-2 penalty shootout victory over Argentina on Sunday.Aguero: Others could followMessi will not be the only player to quit international duty, according to striker Sergio Aguero. Already there is speculation that midfielder Javier Mascherano will hang up his boots too."Messi probably won't be the only player to leave the national team," said Aguero."There are various players who are considering quitting. This is the worst I've seen the dressing room. Worse than after the other two finals [the 2014 World Cup and 2015 Copa America]."
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